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Mail-In and ICP Aquarium Water Testing: Which Service is Right for You?

The same water examples were taken and also sent out to all 4 screening laboratories. The objective was to check out variations within the outcomes (which are anticipated), however much more significantly contrast the advantages of each solution in order to aid you make the most effective choice for your coral reef storage tank.

– Original Post:

Several enthusiasts confess they do not check their fish tank water specifications commonly sufficient. The development of mail-in water screening for house fish tank makes it much easier than ever before to document, track, as well as evaluate what’s taking place inside your fish tank.

There are 4 significant water screening laboratories concentrating on deep sea evaluation: ATI Lab, Aqua Medic AWT, ICP-Analysis. com (CoralVue), as well as Triton Lab. We wished to see what it resembled to experience the “ICP Experience” with each of these 4 screening solutions.

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ICP-Analysis. com (CoralVue).

Aqua Medic Water Testing (AWT).

Find out more concerning Aquarium Controllers, Monitors & Test Kits.

Initial Article (needs to review!).

ATI Lab.

All Mail-In Water Tests We Carry.